1. Gary Smith

  2. Anonymous

  3. Katrina Rimmer

  4. Jo Atkey

  5. Christina Herbert

  6. Susan Daw

  7. Elaine Hay

  8. Gemma Scott

  9. Stephen Pritchard

  10. Matthew Garrett

  11. William Duncan

  12. Deborah Fisher

  13. Michelle Pearson

  14. Cilla Withers

  15. katheirne syred

  16. Paul Grasby

  17. Benjamin Ludwig

  18. Joseph Parham

  19. Lucy McGavin

  20. Anonymous

    My 9 year old son Isaac and his friends had a stall at their school fair to raise money for the homeless.

  22. Ann Townsend

  23. Diane Caine

  24. Keith Kiddell

  25. David Rutherford

  26. Mathias Persson

  27. Neill Mitchell

  28. James Aird

  29. Father Morgan

  30. Susan Jozsa

  31. Liam McDonagh-Greaves

  32. Roger Ferris

  33. Judith Rudiger

  34. Fred Hill

  35. Anonymous

    In this time of contactless payments I rarely have small change. So I save it up and I get enough I donate to you.
  36. Mark Tregaskis


  38. Christian Withers

  39. David Oliver

  40. Anonymous

This website has been Made With Maturity