To find out what free courses are available through our Learning Exchange, please click the link below.
To find out what free courses are available through our Learning Exchange, please click the link below.
Restorative Justice team Make Amends are located within the building.
To see these teams in more detail please the links below.
Our Mental Health Community Development Team are also located at Endeavour House.
The Devon Mental Health Alliance (DMHA) has been commissioned as part of the Community Mental Health Framework (CMHF) programme to increase capacity for one-one and groups interventions and promote better system integration between community and statutory organisations.
DMHA is a partnership between six community organisations dedicated to providing support, information, and advice for people in Devon experiencing mental health problems. DMHA is working across four ‘footprints’ to reach every community in Devon. Each area has its own dedicated Community Mental Health Development Lead and a team of Recovery Practitioners led by a Locality Manager. Shekinah is the Community organisation which covers Torbay and South Devon, in which Bernie is the Community Development Lead (CDL).
Recovery Practitioners (RP) work Monday – Friday and hold a case load, they deliver Psychologically informed interventions through one to one and group work. They work very closely with the CDL who has their finger on the pulse of all evolving offers in the community. Please click here for the Recovery Practitioner Referral info.
If you would like to find out more about what we are doing or ask us any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at:
You can access our services by calling or emailing us using the details listed below. You can also find us at:
228 Union Street
01803 203895
There is disabled access at the side of the building, please telephone 01803 203895 to gain access.