Together we can achieve so much

The support we receive from Churches is vital as it helps us to support people on their journey out of homelessness. Through fundraising, campaigning, awareness-raising and prayer, you are helping to improve the lives of people who are navigating through their own set of challenges.

We are hugely grateful for your support, any way you can get involved will make a big difference.

Keep us in your prayers


Why do we pray?

We pray because it is how we communicate with God.

One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”

Luke 11:1 (NIV)

Prayer is where we learn to talk to God, understand him, connect with him, and understand ourselves.

For our latest prayer letter please click here.


Please support us

Fundraise or host an event

Whatever your skills or hobbies, whether running a marathon or hosting an online quiz night, your fundraising will help us continue to support people who need us most.

Support our charity shops

Our charity shops raise valuable funds to help fund the valuable work we do. Every item donated and sold makes a difference. By selling your donated clothes and other treasures, we’re able to offer the comprehensive range of support to people who want to make meaningful changes in their lives. to find our charity shop locations please click here

Become a volunteer

Ways you can volunteer with us:

  • One off activities
  • Longer-term commitments
  • Volunteering in our charity shops
  • Volunteering with our Painting and Maintenance team
  • Helping out at our centres in Plymouth and Torbay

for more information click here

This website has been Made With Maturity