About us


Andrew Farmer Chair

Andy is a recently retired Leadership coach/Project manager. Prior to this he has a wealth of experience, both in the UK and Asia, running large manufacturing operations. Andy  is an Associate Minister in the Church of England and has a real heart for expressing his faith by serving others.

For when I was hungry you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me water, when I was a stranger you welcomed me’ (Matthew 25: 35

He likes to read poetry, is a enthusiastic cyclist and a keen photographer.. but not all at the same time.

Marion Luckhurst FCIP

Marion is retired having previously run her own Management Consulting company (1plus1partnering). Prior to that Marion was Group Supply Chain Director of VT PLC. Before that Marion worked as a Procurement Director for BA Systems, DML Ltd and KBR. Marion is also Chair of Trustees of another charity and has been a Trustee of Shekinah since 2011.

Marion is a past president of her Rotary club and enjoys walking, the theatre and travel.

Ken Bromage

Ken Bromage left school at 15, worked as a share fisherman, for a local authority as a committee clerk, in retail management, and subsequently trained as a Chef entering restaurant management before joining the Royal Navy. He served a total of 29 years in the Royal Navy as both an Executive Officer and latterly as a Chaplain, both at sea and with the Royal Marines. He also has 10 years experience of HR Management and Training with 2 blue chip companies and 3 years experience as a Management Consultant.  He is a qualified though inexperienced boat builder. He is currently Chairman of Trustees for Green Hook Fishing a boatbuilding and fishing CIO.


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Talk to us

If you are experiencing some form of homelessness, need to speak with us about any of the training courses we run or another form of support you think we can help you with, please get in touch.

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