Over the past 30 years Shekinah has developed a comprehensive range of services. From support with your health, housing, education and employment, we can help.
Course description: In some ways, oral history is the oldest form of history. People have shared stories
around campfires since the world began.
However, since the advent of recording equipment in the last century, historians now have the opportunity to capture stories, transcribe them and make them part of the archive.
Oral History provides a means for previously unheard stories to be made part of history through people
talking to one another. It can empower people and help them realise how important their story might be
to future generations.
Join Dr Alan Butler for a workshop exploring the impact of this exciting process and how you might
share yours and help capture someone else’s story.
Over the past 30 years Shekinah has developed a comprehensive range of services. From support with your health, housing, education and employment, we can help.