Tina first came to the Leonard Stocks Centre after becoming homeless. Tina was unsure and nervous about how living in the hostel might affect her mental health so with support from hostel staff Tina was given access to a Mental Health Nurse who she could discuss her mental health and general wellbeing with which Tina says is a lot better now.

Staying at the Leonard Stocks Centre provided the right conditions for Tina to grow and build her confidence as well as having a place to stay. Moving into her flat and making it homely are Tina’s next goals. Tina said she would love to start looking for work so she can start to pay for things herself.

Tina said that throughout her journey her support worker has helped tremendously with many things especially with organising her new flat for her. She adds that without her support worker guiding her, Tina would not be where she is now.