Welcome to Shekinah’s employment programme IPS – Individual Placement Support.

Individual Placement and Support (IPS) offers support to help people find the right job, sometimes within weeks of referral.  To be eligible for IPS, people must be in supported treatment for either drugs or alcohol. IPS utilises a personalised, strength-based approach to empower people in securing and sustaining employment. Individual Placement and Support (IPS) also provides in-work support to both employers and employees to help people remain in their job roles with the help from their Employment Specialists.

In addition to in-work support, Employment Specialists will individualise a package of support to help people back into the workplace, this could be sourcing sector specific training or working on softer skills such as communication, interview skills or anything else that people need to find employment. This comprehensive approach helps individuals build confidence, overcome barriers, and achieve stable, fulfilling employment.

IPS has been shown to be more effective the more closely it follows these eight principles:


It aims to get people into competitive employment – Volunteering or Work Experience are not counted as outcomes.

It is open to all those who want to work – You have to be in supported treatment for drugs or alcohol to be eligible for IPS.

It tries to find jobs consistent with people’s preferences.

It works quickly – Job search starts within four weeks, even if a client has been off work for years.

It brings employment specialists into clinical teams – So that employment becomes a core part of treatment and recovery.

Employment specialists develop relationships with employers based on a person’s work preferences  – Not based on who happens to have jobs.

It provides ongoing, individualised support for the person and their employer – Helping people to keep their jobs at difficult times.

Benefits counselling is included – So no one is made worse off by participating.

For more information

Email  IPSEmploymentTeam@shekinah.co.uk  M 07840 851558

Please meet the team.

Kate Ross-Bryant
Part-time IPS Employment Specialist
Esme Curtis
IPS Employment Specialist
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