Make Amends

Make a Referral

If you have been affected by crime or conflict and would like to explore Restorative Justice, it’s simple to make a referral.

  • Public referrals can use or call our office on 01803 222033
  • Agency referrers can complete an online referral form using the link below or by going to:
  • If you work within the criminal justice system (prison staff, YJS, probation) or are a Police Officer working for Devon and Cornwall Police, please contact Mark Myer at and include a crime reference number.
  • School referrers can complete an online referral form using the link below or by going to:
  • Make Amends Agency Referral Form

To understand more about our referral process and what happens next, please take a look at our ‘4 simple steps to make a referral’ diagram.


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Please also feel free to follow us on social media, using our handle @makeamendsrj. Alternatively, click through to each platform using the links below.


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