Make Amends

Awards & Credentials

Make Amends are accredited by the Restorative Justice Council (RJC) for both their restorative justice practice and for their training.

The RJC is the independent third sector membership body for the field of restorative practice. It provides quality assurance and a national voice advocating the widespread use of all forms of restorative practice, including restorative justice.

The RJC’s role is to set and champion clear standards for restorative practice. It ensures quality and supports those in the field to build on their capacity and accessibility. At the same time, the RJC raises public awareness and confidence in restorative processes.


Howard League for Penal Reform Award – 2020

In 2020, Make Amends won the Howard League Award for Restorative Approaches.

Find out more about the award by reading the press release.


Jessica’s amazing work with a year 13 student and her mother repaired their relationship. Prior to her interventions the relationship had broken down and we were concerned that the student would be unable to finish their A Level courses and go to university. A younger sibling was being affected by the constant arguing and fighting, parents’ marriage was under strain and the student was facing homelessness. After Jessica’s intervention home became a much calmer place for all, our student completed sixth form and went to university in September. Four lives were impacted and made happier and safer.
Elaine Watling – Torquay Academy Assistant Principal

Make Amends have been an instrumental service in creating a way forward for a situation between two students in my year group – the sessions have helped both students to reflect on their actions and to create a resolution for something that escalated very quickly. We have managed to rectify things quickly by offering the service to parents who were very happy that an external agency, with no bias, were able to come in and mediate one to one. As a pastoral team, we are very grateful to have had access to this service and it would be a huge loss if this were no longer available moving forward.
Rebecca Shepherd – Geography Teacher, Coombe Dean school

The Make Amends family practitioners have provided an invaluable service. The work that they have done with families has often been the difference needed for them to make positive changes and move forward after harm has been caused. The practitioners are professional and extremely skilled in what they do, ensuring that we as ‘the referrer’ are updated at fundamental points of the process.

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