Make Amends

Restorative Justice FAQ

We are frequently asked questions about Restorative Justice, our service, the process and what’s involved. There are also a number of misconceptions about Restorative Justice which we often come up against. We hope the following FAQ provides answers to those questions you may have about what we do.

Simply click on the following links to find out more.

Questions about Restorative Justice

Questions about Make Amends

Questions for those who have been harmed

Questions for those who have caused the harm

Common misconceptions about Restorative Justice

Interested in knowing more?

If you have been affected by crime or conflict and would like to explore Restorative Justice, it’s simple to make a referral. We encourage you to make a referral direct to us by completing our website referral form.

Watch our recent lived experience videos which explains more about Restorative Justice.



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Please also feel free to follow us on social media, using our handle @makeamendsrj. Alternatively, click through to each platform using the links below.


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