Make Amends

What is Restorative Justice?

Restorative justice is a safe and voluntary process which brings those who have been affected by crime into communication with those responsible to help everyone move forward from what has happened. Restorative justice focuses on the needs of both the victim and the offender, allowing both to explore what has happened, the impact that the incident has had on them and what everyone needs to move forward.

Restorative justice gives victims of crime a voice in the process. This is achieved by giving people affected by crime the opportunity to communicate the impact that the crime or incident has had on them, their family and the community directly with the person responsible. Restorative justice also offers victims of crime the opportunity to have their questions answered. Meeting or communicating with an offender or person who has caused harm might feel like a huge step for those affected, but it can help victims to cope and recover from crime. Government research shows that 85% of victims who take part in RJ found the experience useful and were satisfied with the outcome.

Restorative justice also holds offenders to account for what they have done and ensures they take responsibility for their actions. The experience can be incredibly challenging but powerful for those responsible for causing harm as they hear about the impact that their actions have had on others. This helps them in their journey towards rehabilitation and can reduce their chances of reoffending. Government research shows that RJ can reduce reoffending by 14 – 21%.

Listen to Alison Hernandez, Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly talking about the importance of Restorative Justice.

Download our leaflets

Find out more about how Restorative Justice works and its benefits by downloading our service leaflets:

Make Amends Infographic
Make Amends General Information leaflet
Make Amends Information for Victims
Make Amends Information for Offenders

Impact Report 2023

This Impact Report provides an overview of the work, achievements, aspirations and outcomes from delivering the service from April 2021 to September 2023.

Download Impact Report

Impact Report 2021

Our latest Impact Report provides a summary of delivering restorative justice from October 2017 and April 2021. Please do download our report to read more from our stakeholders, our key service outcomes, case studies, volunteer stories, partner testimonials and hopes for the future.

Download Impact Report



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