Health & Wellbeing

Health & Wellbeing

Our training teams in Plymouth offer a range of wellbeing and personal development courses which aim to keep you mentally healthy as well as having on-site counsellors to support you with other needs you may have.

Here is a list of our current courses in Plymouth.

Please click here for our latest Shekinah Training Menu.

Also in Torbay there is the High Intensity User Service which is aimed at improving access to services for people who frequently use the emergency department. Often people may visit the hospital as they are unsure of where else they can go or perhaps have underlying issues that can be better supported by more specifically focused services. Our role is to speak with patients, discuss their needs and refer onto more appropriate services that will improve their care and quality of life as well as reduce their need to visit hospital. The project has been well received has had some great feedback regarding its impact.

Some feedback on our courses for 2022-23:


“I have really enjoyed the course, I feel that I have learned so much, about myself, my confidence has grown and I will continue to work on myself, and the tutors have taught me well, I have understood clearly.”

“A stunning course that has done so much to give me an idea as to what keeps me imprisoned within.  A course that not only gave me an insight but may also have indicated a potential employment direction.  Course leaders – simply excellent!”

“It was powerful, intense, made me look at myself.  Loved the tutors, loved the content, very real.”

“This opportunity has been amazing, it has given me the tools to improve myself and the lessons have helped me grow each week.  The tutor has made me feel comfortable and helped me express myself.  Thank you for this opportunity.”

“Really good course and delivered in a very simple way.  The knowledge and experience shared by the tutor and other learners was very positive and provided a lot of good feedback.”

“Thank you for all your calmness and grace in teaching!  I have enjoyed this course very much!”

“I have loved being in this group (even as I was scared to be in it to start with) and the range and depth of material shared and our conversations.”

“I enjoyed the course and learned lots of valuable skills which will hopefully support me in the future.”

“I’ve learned a lot about myself…as I was lost and now I’m looking at life completely differently…”


“I feel and am happy I have attended this course as I am changing as a person this is creating for me to be gracious the adversity!  Thank you for your great support!”

“Personally I have found this very helpful.  I would wonder, however, if less listening and more exercises would improve learning.”

“Well run, caters to a range of learning styles, plenty of support if required.”

“I got a lot out of the course, I learned different coping strategies and learned more about why I behave in certain ways and triggers for these.  I enjoyed being on the course and developing myself over the past 6 weeks.”

“The course is very educational and full of brilliant tools and information.  This course has made me want to engage more in learning – mentoring and helping others.”

“Hugely beneficial.  Very much enjoyed the course.”

“Inspiring course.  A lot gained on understanding human interaction and self analysis.”

“developed skills in cognitive distortions and changing behaviours. How to improve relationships. How to cope with anger / stress / depression and anxiety. Forming healthy boundaries. It’s been exactly what I needed at this point in my life to make positive lasting changes with confidence.”

“This course alongside Re:vive has been pivotal in bringing positive changes to my life. Hope continues to build that I can have a fulfilled life and pass these skills on.”

Mentoring L1

“Really enjoyed the course, the teachers were very helpful, I learned about boundaries, note taking.”

“I’ve gained a lot of knowledge through this course, which helped me gain more self-confidence to consider volunteering.  It’s been an informative and empowering course.”

“I achieved more than I thought.  I have felt more relaxed as each week has gone by.”

Mentoring L2

“Beautiful and educated course.”

“I found the course really helpful, thank you to all the tutors and Shekinah.”

“Great course.”

“Thank you to the tutors for their support, great teaching skills and sense of humour.”

“Understanding exactly what a mentor role is, the ethics involved. Developed my listening skills and working with distractions and difficult issues. Really enjoyed this course.  Very glad I did this course with all my peers.”

“I now feel that I can confidently mentor someone, I now have the skills to know how the process of mentoring works. My confidence while on this course has increased considerably. I have understood every topic covered and have taken it in and cannot wait to use it in my professional practice.”


“Skills gained – using different hand tools and the knowledge behind them, I.e what they are used for. Although the tutor has said this level 1 is basic, I’ve learned about tools and different types and conditions of wood.”

“It really helped my mental health and feeling of self-worth and increased my self-confidence to be out and doing activities.”

“The course has been great, proud of what I have made. It’s been good for my mental health.  The tutor has given me the confidence to make something on my own.”


“I spent my life in and out of prison and homeless, so I withdrew from society. As an introvert I tend to be quiet in the group, like in AA, etc. In this group I felt comfortable. There were no assumptions and everyone was nice.”

“I have learnt how to do emails, cut, copy and paste, how to do bold and italic lettering, how to change font sizes.  I have really enjoyed doing the course and met up with some really nice people.”


“A lot of knowledge covered, really enjoyed learning.  Really got a good grip of maths, especially percentages, fractions and decimals.  The style it was tailored to me was amazing.”

“I now know where I need improvement and what I can focus on.  The learning experience was great at refreshing my maths and English.  The tutor was attentive and helped me understand certain points.  Any problems I had she took time to explain them to me in a way which was easy for me to understand.”

Wellbeing is a combination of a person’s physical, mental, emotional and social health factors. Wellbeing is strongly linked to happiness and life satisfaction. In short, wellbeing could be described as how you feel about yourself and your life.

Every aspect of your life influences your state of wellbeing. Researchers investigating happiness have found the following factors enhance a person’s wellbeing:

  • Happy intimate relationship with a partner.
  • Network of close friends.
  • Enjoyable and fulfilling career.
  • Enough money.
  • Regular exercise.
  • Nutritional diet.
  • Enough sleep.
  • Spiritual or religious beliefs.
  • Fun hobbies and leisure pursuits.
  • Healthy self-esteem.
  • Optimistic outlook.
  • Realistic and achievable goals.
  • Sense of purpose and meaning.
  • A sense of belonging.
  • The ability to adapt to change.
  • Living in a fair and democratic society.


Need help?
Talk to us

If you are experiencing some form of homelessness, need to speak with us about any of the training courses we run or another form of support you think we can help you with, please get in touch.

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Shekinah is a local charity that welcomes support from the local community and local businesses.

We recognise the value that you can bring through donating time, money, skills or providing an opportunity for us to share the work that we do.

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